Check out an example session from each of our classes.
Move Forward Class
60 seconds machine work
20 plate hops
20 plate ground to overhead
60 seconds machine work
20 air squats
20 alternating dumbbell snatches
Two x 9-Minute workouts 9 Minute AMRAP (Teams of 3) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…. Synchro dumbbell snatches Synchro hops over the dumbbell (One person accumulating max calories on a machine throughout) Rest 4 minutes 9 Minute AMRAP (Teams of 3) 30 synchro plate ground to overhead 20 synchro plate goblet squats 10 synchro down-ups
More on our Move Forward classes

Functional Fitness Class
Warm Up - Barbell Complex
2 rounds
5 deadlifts
5 clean pulls
5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans
5 front squats
5 hang squat cleans
Round 1: Empty Barbell
Round 2: Light Loading
In a 15 minute window:
Establish a heavy 3 position clean
1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 squat clean
4 sets:
3 Minute AMRAP
5 hang squat cleans 60/42.5kg
30 double unders
10 pistols
2 minutes rest between AMRAPs
More on our Functional Fitness classes

Handstand Push Up Development Cycle
Warm Up
3 sets
30 second overhead lat stretch on wall
30 second PVC strict press
30 second wall walks
60 seconds rest
3 attempts
Max wall facing handstand hold (up to 80% effort)
1 minute rest between attempts
(Each effort should be repeatable)
5 sets
10 dual dumbbell strict press
5-8 negative handstand push ups
(If confident, you can kip back up between handstand push up reps, or come down from the wall to reset between reps)
2 minutes rest between sets
More on our Gymnastics speciality class
Snatch Pull Development Cycle
Warm Up
5 good mornings
5 snatch deadlifts
5 snatch pulls
5 muscle snatch
5 power snatch
5 overhead squats
Round 1: Empty barbell
Round 2: Light loading
Snatch Pulls:
Perform 5 sets of 3 eccentric snatch pulls at 100% Snatch 1RM
(5 second eccentric lowering of the bar)
2 minute rest between sets
Power Snatch:
Every 30 seconds for 10 rounds
1 power snatch at 72% (2 second pause at the knee)
Rest 2 minutes
Every 30 seconds for 10 rounds
1 power snatch at 80%
More on our Weightlifting speciality class
Row/Ski Lactate Threshold Development Cycle
Warm Up
3 sets
30 seconds machine work at an easy pace
10 alternating lunges
10 down ups
3 sets
30 second machine work at moderate pace
15 second machine work at hard pace
30 seconds rest
2 rounds
4 sets
300m row/ski at 2km pace minus 4 seconds
60 seconds rest
Rest 3 minutes upon completion of the 4 sets 1 set 1,000m row/ski at 5km pace Rest 4 minutes between rounds
More on our Conditioning speciality class